الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2012

Origins and history

The online auction website was founded as AuctionWeb in San Jose, California, on September 5, 1995, by French-born Iranian-American computer programmer Pierre Omidyar(born on June 21, 1967) as part of a larger personal site that included, among other things, Omidyar's own tongue-in-cheek tribute to the Ebola virus.[6] One of the first items sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer for $14.83. Astonished, Omidyar contacted the winning bidder to ask if he understood that the laser pointer was broken. In his responding email, the buyer explained: "I'm a collector of broken laser pointers."[7] The frequently repeated story that eBay was founded to help Omidyar's fiancée trade Pez candy dispensers was fabricated by a public relations manager in 1997 to interest the media, which were not interested in the company's previous explanation about wanting to create a "perfect market".[8] This was revealed in Adam Cohen's 2002 book, The Perfect Store,[6] and confirmed by eBay.[8] Chris Agarpao was hired as eBay's first employee and Jeffrey Skoll was hired as the first president of the company in early 1996. In November 1996, eBay entered into its first third-party licensing deal, with a company called Electronic Travel Auction to use SmartMarket Technology to sell plane tickets and other travel products. Growth was phenomenal; in January 1997 the site hosted 2,000,000 auctions, compared with 250,000 during the whole of 1996.[9] The company officially changed the name of its service from AuctionWeb to eBay in September 1997. Originally, the site belonged to Echo Bay Technology Group, Omidyar's consulting firm. Omidyar had tried to register the domain name echobay.com, but found it already taken by the Echo Bay Mines, a gold mining company,[10] so he shortened it to his second choice, eBay.com.[11]
In 1997, the company received $6.7 million in funding from the venture capital firm Benchmark Capital.[12]
Meg Whitman was hired as eBay President and CEO in March 1998. At the time, the company had 30 employees,[13] half a million users and revenues of $4.7 million in the United States.[14] eBay went public on September 21, 1998,[15] and both Omidyar and Skoll became instant billionaires. eBay's target share price of $18 was all but ignored as the price went to $53.50 on the first day of trading.[16]
As the company expanded product categories beyond collectibles into almost any saleable item, business grew quickly.[7] In February 2002, the company purchased IBazar, a similar European auction web site founded in 1993 and then bought PayPal on October 14, 2002.
By early 2008, the company had expanded worldwide, counted hundreds of millions of registered users, 15,000+ employees and revenues of almost $7.7 billion.[14] After nearly ten years at eBay, Whitman decided to enter politics. On January 23, 2008 the company announced that Whitman would step down on March 31, 2008 and John Donahoe was selected to become President and CEO.[17] Whitman remained on the Board of Directors and continued to advise Donahoe through 2008. In late 2009, eBay completed the sale ofSkype for $2.75 billion, but will still own 30% equity in the company.[18]
In July 2010, eBay was sued for $3.8 billion by XPRT Ventures that accused eBay of stealing information shared in confidence by the inventors on XPRT's own patents, and incorporated it into features in its own payment systems, such as PayPal Pay Later and PayPal Buyer Credit.[19]
On December 20, 2010, eBay announced its acquisition of a German online shopping club, brands4friends.de, for €150 million ($197 million) to strengthen the company's interests in the fashion industry in Europe. It is subject to regulatory approval and expected to close it in the Q1 2011.[20]

What eBay !!?

eBay Inc. (rendered as ebay) is an American multinational internet consumer-to-consumer corporation that manages eBay.com, anonline auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide. Founded in 1995, eBay is one of the notable success stories of the dot-com bubble; it is now a multi-billion dollar business with operations localized in over thirty countries.[3][4] eBay expanded from its original "set-time" auction format to include "Buy It Now" standard shopping; shopping by UPCISBN, or other kind of SKU (via Half.com); online classified advertisements (via Kijiji or eBay Classifieds); online event ticket trading (via StubHub); online money transfers (via PayPal)[5] and other services.

الخميس، 20 ديسمبر 2012

Advertise on ebay Trick

How can you advertise your website on ebay for free 24 hours a day 7 days a week you
might ask....
Well it's pretty simple and we had to add this into our ebook.
All you need to do is take your dot com name and use it as your ebay id!
There's one small problem however... ebay doesn't allow you to use www.yourdotcom.com
so here's the trick:
Put asterisks in front and after your name: **www.yourdotcom.com** is fully acceptable on
ebay but we don't know for how long so do it asap!
When you leave feedback for someone other people check their feedback and will see your
dot.com ....
When you have an auction running people are going to visit your dot.com name.
It is endless with putting your dot.com as your ebay id!

What To Sell & Where To Get It

After you have done your homework...and even if you haven't and would like to just start
off selling your own products below we have all the wholesalers and dropshippers you can
possibly need.
These are the very same wholesalers and dropshippers that Power Sellers are using you will
be no different then them below are the same wholesale contacts they use.
First we'd like to give you a heads up!
Heads Up!
Between March‐July a hot seller would be the 100ft or 50ft flat hose.
Between Feb‐July Diet Pills are hot sellers....you can really make a lot of money off of
diet pills. www.wholesaledietpills.com go to that website and look it over to become a
distributor. You get bottles for wholesale cost and make a lot of money.
From July‐September Leather Backpacks are Hot Sellers we'll show you where to go for
From September‐December (right before Christmas this ends) Leather Jackets are Hot Sellers!
Leather Gloves & Leather Bags are also hot sellers.. We'll show you where to go for
Here we go with wholesalers/dropshippers for you make sure you are online
to view these great sites.
Ebay's #1 Wholesaler for thousands of products. Dropshipping here is where you
get all the leather jackets, gloves, bags, housewares, gifts, clothing, knives and so much
more it would take up this entire page!
Please go to the below Web Site for BNF USA:
After you sign up log in using:
username: web
password: user
Click here for BNF
As Seen On TV: www.asseenontv.com click the wholesale to the right.
As Seen On Tv: We've seen better prices but they claim to wholesale/dropship it's up to you.
A great site that ebay sellers use: www.rothmancloseouts.com many categories to choose from buy
in bulk and save more money.
You can have over 20,000 different products dropshipped right to your customers, get
free auction templates and tons more!
Please go to the below Web Site for over 20,000 Wholesale Products!
Click Here for AGS
Ebay Sellers Electronic Wholesale/Dropshipper: www.hotbuy4u.com
www.wholesalz.com seems to be getting really popular lately try them out.
Please go to the below website to search through over 87,000 Wholesale Products
DropShippers are also listed: www.wholesalecentral.com
A New Wholesale Search Engine: www.wholesale411.com (not as good as the above site)
Here's a little secret that a lot of sellers on ebay are doing.
They are reselling information. The trick here is to put up about 1020
different products
and put up 20 different auctions per product. They resell their information for $9.97 a
piece and with the over 200 auctions up manage to sell about 50 a week. It costs
them .20.
30 cents to post the auctions a piece and they pull in about $500.00 a week.
We are not saying that this will work for everyone but we have been watching quite a
few sellers and they have sold quite a bit and are making really good money.
There are sellers who have become Power Sellers reselling this information.
The great thing about informational sellers is that they NEVER have to ship anything. It
is all instant download. So we do recommend you visit www.sellersgear.com we have
ALL the downloadable products available in one huge package for only $20.00! You can
make your $20 back by selling 2 products on ebay!

Do Your HomeWork

Now here's the fun part deciding on what to sell.
You can sell anything you want with the information we are going to provide to you shortly.
What you really should do however is your homework as we mentioned a few pages back.
Your homework consists of about 30 min of your time a day to find out what the hot sellers
are on ebay.
1. Take 30 minutes and look through the categories on ebay.
2. Click the going going gone button and see who is bidding on what.
3. Look for bids that are between 10 or more and write down the name of the product and how many
bids it is ending with.
4. Make notes on how the seller is selling it.. is he using buy it now? Is his auction featured? Is his
auction featured plus? Write that down too.
5. Now get your calculator out and take his profit and minus ebay's fees and see if it's worth it to you
to sell that product.
6. Go over all the hot product auctions you have written down and take the best product that makes
the most money.
Go find that product and offer it in another category exactly how he did it....featured or
featured plus (try and stay away from the featured auction unless you are going to make big
money) Or if you must feature the auction and only put 1 UP!
You should come up with over 20 Hot Products a week just look for that item at the best
wholesale prices you can get them for and we will show you that in a minute.
You can sell products or informational items or both.
People just like you want to learn to sell on ebay so you can also resell this ebook as well
please remember that! You can make a lot of money with this ebook by offering it on ebay
or on your own website.

We also have another info site located at www.sellersgear.com full of downloadable
products that you can resell for profit, we have software and wholesale information as well
but the wholesale information will be found in this ebook.
People do not realize that informational products are the #1 money maker online and
people make a mint reselling them as well we will continue this on the next page.

Watch Out

This is short but very meaningful as there are so many sellers who first get started who
totally forget about these things.
Do not forget about ebays fees.
Be very careful..............
There are people who get a great product and they use the $99.99 featured auction with
ebay but the only thing they get are burned.
People neglect to watch out for ebay's fees they really do and we need to put this in here as
a warning for you to pay attention to the fees.
For example Tom has a hot new product that is receiving 25 bids per auction @ $24.00 each.
Tom pays his wholesaler $16.00 per item. Tom's profit per item will be $8.00 per bid.
Tom features this auction his cost $99.99. Tom then ads the Feature Plus as well to get into
the top position in his category (to be seen first) Tom's cost $24.95. It cost Tom $120.00 plus
to list his auction.
Tom sells 25 products @ $24.00 each: Tom receives: $600.00
Tom pays his wholesaler $400.00 for the products...gets his products ships his goods out to
his bidders Tom is very happy that he pocketed $200.00.
Why is TOM NAIVE right now?
Tom forgot that he has to pay ebay $120.00 plus end of auction fees at the end of the
Now Tom needs to take let's say $130.00 ‐ $200.00 from his profits. Tom pockets $70.00.
Not bad but look at all the trouble Tom had to go through for $70.00 so what Tom decides
to do is put more auctions up to make more money.
Tom puts 5 more auctions up and he features them all.
The first auction Tom sells 22
The 2nd auction Tom sells 20
The 3rd auction Tom sells 10
The 4th auction Tom sells 4
The 5th auction Tom sells 6
Tom's screwed isn't he?
Let's see:
Tom sold a total of 62 items x $16.00 to purchase from his wholesaler= $992.00
Tom Receives 62 x $24.00 from his bidders= $1,488.00
$1,488.00 ‐ $992.00 = Tom's Profit $496.00
Tom NOW owes ebay for Featured Fees, Featured Plus Fees and end of auction costs:
Tom's Profit $496.00 ‐ Ebay's Fees= $650.00= Tom's New Profit $154.00
Was it worth it?
We are just so very against Featuring your auctions on ebay for $99.99 Tom could have
easily saved himself $525.00 and pocketed this.
What he did wrong was feature the same item too many times.
If 62 people were interested in this product he could have Featured and Featured Plus 1
auction and ended up with 62 bids. He would have saved himself $400.00 in ebay fees!
A good tip is if you are selling the same item in the same category NEVER EVER post them
together! They will fall on top of each other when they post and you have a 99% chance of
one of those auctions going down the toilet right with your Fee!
Always wait about 3‐5 hours before posting another auction or simply choose ANOTHER
Tom could have posted 5 Auctions all Featured Plus for only $24.95 each and used different
categories. Tom could have Featured and Featured Plus 1 auction and saved $400.00.
©Copyright 2003 www.authorizeddistributor.com . All Rights Reserved.
For some reason what people do is continue to Feature their auctions over and over and
over again and we stress OVER without realizing they still owe ebay come the end of the
They think they are making all this profit neglecting the fees.
The toughest one is when people use their credit card and they feature and feature plus an
item and then they charge their credit card the fees.
They end the auction and pocket the cash neglecting that they owe their credit card
company $125.00 for ebay's fees.
Continue to do this and all you will have is a Maxed out credit card because when the bill
comes most people will pay the minimum and not take that ebay profit the cash and pay
their credit card bill like they should.
Be smart about how you post your auctions!

الأربعاء، 19 ديسمبر 2012

Auction Lengths

When and how long should you post your auction for? What Time is right?
Everyone will answer this question differently each of us have our own tips so this is
speaking from our past experience.
We feel the best time to post your auction would be on a Thursday Afternoon around 5:00
When you post your auction up on ebay it will take them about 2‐3 hours to run the auction
live on their site.
You do not simply click the button and BOOM! it's up that is farthest from the truth.
You have to wait unless of course you would like to PAY ebay another fee to get your
auction up at a specific time! Why do that? Just wait and keep your money or you are going
to have to add more money to the cost of your item to make up the difference.
So we post our auctions at 5:00 on Thursday and we run a 3 day auction! YES a 3 day
Why not a 10 day auction? Well you can do that if you want it all depends again on what
you are selling.
Almost 95% of ebay's bidders just click the ending soon or going going gone button to
purchase what they want NOW. They do not want to wait!
So what we do is run the 3 day auction simply because we will have the advantage over the
other sellers who are selling the same item that we have and ours ends sooner and this will
end on a Sunday Night which is ebay's biggest nights for bidders!
If a bidder finds our auction ending in 1 day and the other seller's auction ending in 7 days
who is he going to bid from? If he wants it bad enough and fast we win!
Thurs.‐Sun doesn't get any better on ebay. People are home from work and are surfing the
ebay for goods. A 3 day auction in our opinion pulls in more bids!
Now recently ebay has let sellers use the Buy It Now option with dutch auctions.
So listen up!
If you are running a Dutch Auction we would advise you to start this on a Friday Afternoon
around 5:00 CST and run it for 10 days using the Buy It Now. Your auction will cover 2 full
weekends of bidders being able to view your product so Friday is the best with this route.
The buy it now advantage is that people do not have to wait for your auction to end so it
doesn't matter how long your auction is running they can purchase your item now and don't
care if it ends in 10 days.
You set the price for your item. You set the Buy It Now Price and they purchase it. The 10
Day Auction advantage here is that your items can be sold with the buy it now for 10 days
straight without you having to repost this auction over and over again if you were to use the
3 day route and your item is shown 2 weekends straight.
You must have a feedback of 30 in order to run a Dutch Auction.
You must have a feedback of 10 to use the Buy It Now Option.
So if you don't have 30 bids you cannot sell more than 1 of the same item (dutch auction) so
take our advice and run the 3 day auction.

Auction Tips

To feature or not to feature that is the question..............................
There are many different types of auctions that you can post......
There are no freebies on ebay anymore.....so always keep this in mind:
Simple auctions which are low fees normally .10 ‐.30 cents each because you have to pay
ebay a certain amount of cents just to list your auction which is called their "listing fee" not
to mention the % cut that ebay gets so please always keep this in mind that you are paying
fees just to list your item and you are paying fees just to sell your item! People neglect this
and lose out a few dollars so.........Whatever the cost of the auction + ebay's fees should
be added to the amount you want for your item so that you do make money off of that
Now the freebie "cents" auctions are for people who are selling something they found laying
around the house and are just looking to get whatever they can for it and don't much care
for what it sells for.
Please keep this in mind however, if you are selling an item that is NAME BRAND by all means use this free
auction listing. People will type in the keywords for your name brand product and will find your item so
there is no need to Feature Plus the item at all.
Name Brand, Popular Brand, Entertainment, Celebrity, Adult and so on if it is popular do not
worry about using the featured plus option. Unless of course you want to use the dutch
auction (see below).
If you want to make ebay your full time job you need to decide whether or not to feature,
feature plus or just list your auction I will explain to you when and when you shouldn't do
Let's start with the Featured Plus Auction seeing I covered the "freebie cents" auction
above. Pay Close Attention.
What is a Featured Plus Auction?
A featured plus auction is an auction that you run for a listing fee of $24.95. What ebay does is post your
auction at the top with the rest of the featured auctions others are running. This means more exposure for
your auction the more exposure the more bids.
Now how do you know if you should post your auction as a Featured Plus Auction?
Well it all basically is common sense however, I've seen hundreds of people who feature plus
their auctions and it makes no sense to me why they do it when their item is up for $5.00???
Think about that. They just paid ebay $24.95 and are asking $5.00 for the item?! They just
lost out about $30.00 right there w/shipping costs now didn't they?
Why would anyone feature plus an item that is worth so low?
So take that example and think about it for a minute.......when would you use the Featured
Plus Auction?
2 Reasons
#1. You would use the Featured Plus Auction if you were selling more than 1 item which is
called a dutch auction. A Dutch auction is when you have let's say 20‐100 + of the same
item to sell. You know that you most likely will make the money back that you have to pay
ebay to feature plus it to begin with so people do this. Make sure that this is an item you
know for sure will sell which is easy to do by simply running a search first on ebay for the
item you are selling and doing your homework. Doing your homework would mean making
sure that the item you want to sell is selling by other sellers selling the same item you want
to sell... did you get that? :)
#2. If you were selling an expensive item like an automobile, stereos, televisions and more.
You want the proper exposure for the item so use the featured plus auction unless again if it
is a name brand or any brand that is popular and can be found by bidders typing in the name
of the product you are selling to be easily found.
A Featured Auction which is the biggie on ebay costs $100.00 and really in my opinion
isn't worth it. This guarantees that your auction will be shown on ebay's front page for FULL
ENTIRE exposure.
Every time we've used this option it was a waste of our money but don't get us wrong it
could have been the product we were offering so use your own judgment.
Make sure that you use every single keyword that pertains to the item you are selling in your
auction template so that your auction is easily found!

Creating An Auction

2 Software Programs Included To Help You

People are very misleading trying to sell you software that makes auction templates etc., although auction
templates are nice they are not necessary in creating a Professional Looking Auction.
Auctions are very simple to get up and going
Even if you have the slightest knowledge about HTML code there are resources to help you
and we will show you that in just a bit.
We remember a few years ago when we first started selling on ebay all the ads were exactly
the same. Everyone had plain white backgrounds with a few words for their description and
we came in selling with a BANG! Ebay said that HTML code was accepted so we just used
Microsoft FrontPage....made the auction like it was a website....copied the HTML code and
simply pasted it right up on the auction site and BAM! it looked great! We were a little crazy
back then but had a black background, yellow‐orange and even red Font Colors and our
product just sold like crazy! And we swear to you that ever since we did that everyone else
started doing it!
We use to get about 10 emails a day from people asking where we got our auction templates
from and it was just done using Frontpage!
Our first auction ended with over 120 bids. This was for an informational CD that nobody
ever even considered selling on ebay back then. But once we posted this CD within weeks
people started copying our idea and ruined the entire concept of it.
We highly recommend if you are going to start a business on ebay to buy a program that
let's you set up websites easily like Frontpage. Just build a simple website out of the
product you are going to sell..copy and paste it right into your auction and you are
done! If you cannot afford FrontPage or any website maker we have included one for
free for you below! :)
It is up to you to decide what you'd like your auction too look like. Dare to be different.
There are so called gurus out there who claim that adding colors doesn't do squat I would
have to totally disagree with them as per my example above. People want some color not
just a boring white background with a picture. And there have been studies online that for
some reason blue backgrounds get more purchases than black backgrounds online. Black
backgrounds make the customer feel sad or groggy where blue perks up people. Don't ask
me I'm just writing what I read online :)
Adding color would mean make a simple table..........put your item to the left of the table
or the top of the table... and make the table lines size 1 and put red as the color around it
or simply put the table lines at 0 to make it look more professional.
We always use Microsoft FrontPage when designing our auctions and it is very easy to make
a table you just click the table link at the top and draw it yourself adding lines wherever
you'd like. If you make lines all around the table make the cells different colors by simply
right clicking on the cell properties and clicking the color you'd like the cell to be. We
always surround our auction with color with another table in the middle that is white with
color all around the object for sale.
Exactly like what you are reading now. See the red and the blue? The white in the middle?
Beats just a boring white page with your item for sale doesn't it??
Just in case you do not have access to FrontPage or a website builder you can download the
below software:

Click Here
And if you need help with designing websites which would also mean your auction site
click the following link for:

So you want to make ebay your new business?

We have all the tools you need below to get started right away if you need help with any of
the basics simply go to www.ebay.com their website can help you with all the easy stuff.
Now what you won't see on their website are the tools you need to succeed when you sell at
their auction place. They do not mention where to go for products now do they? No.
There are many people who just swarm through their attics and look for old things to sell on
ebay and they make money...this isn't something you can really do on a daily basis or you
will be sitting on your floor watching a 13" television set because if you continue to search
your house for items you'll sell them all. So we are going to have to avoid that subject now
aren't we?
The people who really make it on ebay either own their own stores and simply sell their
goods because they are well stocked or they have connections with wholesalers to buy their
goods from and resell them for profit.
There are many things that you can sell on auction sites and we will not name just a few
because each and every person has different taste and likes.
We highly recommend you start selling something that you are either familiar with or enjoy
selling. If you are going to make this your full time job why sell things you don't like? Enjoy
selling all the items and you will enjoy your job period.
What you need to do now is simply click the next button below and start learning about
everything offered here and soon enough you'll be up and selling on ebay! Continue to keep
clicking next after each page and you're all set to go!
Good Luck to you,