الأربعاء، 19 ديسمبر 2012

Creating An Auction

2 Software Programs Included To Help You

People are very misleading trying to sell you software that makes auction templates etc., although auction
templates are nice they are not necessary in creating a Professional Looking Auction.
Auctions are very simple to get up and going
Even if you have the slightest knowledge about HTML code there are resources to help you
and we will show you that in just a bit.
We remember a few years ago when we first started selling on ebay all the ads were exactly
the same. Everyone had plain white backgrounds with a few words for their description and
we came in selling with a BANG! Ebay said that HTML code was accepted so we just used
Microsoft FrontPage....made the auction like it was a website....copied the HTML code and
simply pasted it right up on the auction site and BAM! it looked great! We were a little crazy
back then but had a black background, yellow‐orange and even red Font Colors and our
product just sold like crazy! And we swear to you that ever since we did that everyone else
started doing it!
We use to get about 10 emails a day from people asking where we got our auction templates
from and it was just done using Frontpage!
Our first auction ended with over 120 bids. This was for an informational CD that nobody
ever even considered selling on ebay back then. But once we posted this CD within weeks
people started copying our idea and ruined the entire concept of it.
We highly recommend if you are going to start a business on ebay to buy a program that
let's you set up websites easily like Frontpage. Just build a simple website out of the
product you are going to sell..copy and paste it right into your auction and you are
done! If you cannot afford FrontPage or any website maker we have included one for
free for you below! :)
It is up to you to decide what you'd like your auction too look like. Dare to be different.
There are so called gurus out there who claim that adding colors doesn't do squat I would
have to totally disagree with them as per my example above. People want some color not
just a boring white background with a picture. And there have been studies online that for
some reason blue backgrounds get more purchases than black backgrounds online. Black
backgrounds make the customer feel sad or groggy where blue perks up people. Don't ask
me I'm just writing what I read online :)
Adding color would mean make a simple table..........put your item to the left of the table
or the top of the table... and make the table lines size 1 and put red as the color around it
or simply put the table lines at 0 to make it look more professional.
We always use Microsoft FrontPage when designing our auctions and it is very easy to make
a table you just click the table link at the top and draw it yourself adding lines wherever
you'd like. If you make lines all around the table make the cells different colors by simply
right clicking on the cell properties and clicking the color you'd like the cell to be. We
always surround our auction with color with another table in the middle that is white with
color all around the object for sale.
Exactly like what you are reading now. See the red and the blue? The white in the middle?
Beats just a boring white page with your item for sale doesn't it??
Just in case you do not have access to FrontPage or a website builder you can download the
below software:

Click Here
And if you need help with designing websites which would also mean your auction site
click the following link for:

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