الخميس، 20 ديسمبر 2012

Advertise on ebay Trick

How can you advertise your website on ebay for free 24 hours a day 7 days a week you
might ask....
Well it's pretty simple and we had to add this into our ebook.
All you need to do is take your dot com name and use it as your ebay id!
There's one small problem however... ebay doesn't allow you to use www.yourdotcom.com
so here's the trick:
Put asterisks in front and after your name: **www.yourdotcom.com** is fully acceptable on
ebay but we don't know for how long so do it asap!
When you leave feedback for someone other people check their feedback and will see your
dot.com ....
When you have an auction running people are going to visit your dot.com name.
It is endless with putting your dot.com as your ebay id!

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