الخميس، 20 ديسمبر 2012

Do Your HomeWork

Now here's the fun part deciding on what to sell.
You can sell anything you want with the information we are going to provide to you shortly.
What you really should do however is your homework as we mentioned a few pages back.
Your homework consists of about 30 min of your time a day to find out what the hot sellers
are on ebay.
1. Take 30 minutes and look through the categories on ebay.
2. Click the going going gone button and see who is bidding on what.
3. Look for bids that are between 10 or more and write down the name of the product and how many
bids it is ending with.
4. Make notes on how the seller is selling it.. is he using buy it now? Is his auction featured? Is his
auction featured plus? Write that down too.
5. Now get your calculator out and take his profit and minus ebay's fees and see if it's worth it to you
to sell that product.
6. Go over all the hot product auctions you have written down and take the best product that makes
the most money.
Go find that product and offer it in another category exactly how he did it....featured or
featured plus (try and stay away from the featured auction unless you are going to make big
money) Or if you must feature the auction and only put 1 UP!
You should come up with over 20 Hot Products a week just look for that item at the best
wholesale prices you can get them for and we will show you that in a minute.
You can sell products or informational items or both.
People just like you want to learn to sell on ebay so you can also resell this ebook as well
please remember that! You can make a lot of money with this ebook by offering it on ebay
or on your own website.

We also have another info site located at www.sellersgear.com full of downloadable
products that you can resell for profit, we have software and wholesale information as well
but the wholesale information will be found in this ebook.
People do not realize that informational products are the #1 money maker online and
people make a mint reselling them as well we will continue this on the next page.

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