الخميس، 20 ديسمبر 2012

Watch Out

This is short but very meaningful as there are so many sellers who first get started who
totally forget about these things.
Do not forget about ebays fees.
Be very careful..............
There are people who get a great product and they use the $99.99 featured auction with
ebay but the only thing they get are burned.
People neglect to watch out for ebay's fees they really do and we need to put this in here as
a warning for you to pay attention to the fees.
For example Tom has a hot new product that is receiving 25 bids per auction @ $24.00 each.
Tom pays his wholesaler $16.00 per item. Tom's profit per item will be $8.00 per bid.
Tom features this auction his cost $99.99. Tom then ads the Feature Plus as well to get into
the top position in his category (to be seen first) Tom's cost $24.95. It cost Tom $120.00 plus
to list his auction.
Tom sells 25 products @ $24.00 each: Tom receives: $600.00
Tom pays his wholesaler $400.00 for the products...gets his products ships his goods out to
his bidders Tom is very happy that he pocketed $200.00.
Why is TOM NAIVE right now?
Tom forgot that he has to pay ebay $120.00 plus end of auction fees at the end of the
Now Tom needs to take let's say $130.00 ‐ $200.00 from his profits. Tom pockets $70.00.
Not bad but look at all the trouble Tom had to go through for $70.00 so what Tom decides
to do is put more auctions up to make more money.
Tom puts 5 more auctions up and he features them all.
The first auction Tom sells 22
The 2nd auction Tom sells 20
The 3rd auction Tom sells 10
The 4th auction Tom sells 4
The 5th auction Tom sells 6
Tom's screwed isn't he?
Let's see:
Tom sold a total of 62 items x $16.00 to purchase from his wholesaler= $992.00
Tom Receives 62 x $24.00 from his bidders= $1,488.00
$1,488.00 ‐ $992.00 = Tom's Profit $496.00
Tom NOW owes ebay for Featured Fees, Featured Plus Fees and end of auction costs:
Tom's Profit $496.00 ‐ Ebay's Fees= $650.00= Tom's New Profit $154.00
Was it worth it?
We are just so very against Featuring your auctions on ebay for $99.99 Tom could have
easily saved himself $525.00 and pocketed this.
What he did wrong was feature the same item too many times.
If 62 people were interested in this product he could have Featured and Featured Plus 1
auction and ended up with 62 bids. He would have saved himself $400.00 in ebay fees!
A good tip is if you are selling the same item in the same category NEVER EVER post them
together! They will fall on top of each other when they post and you have a 99% chance of
one of those auctions going down the toilet right with your Fee!
Always wait about 3‐5 hours before posting another auction or simply choose ANOTHER
Tom could have posted 5 Auctions all Featured Plus for only $24.95 each and used different
categories. Tom could have Featured and Featured Plus 1 auction and saved $400.00.
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For some reason what people do is continue to Feature their auctions over and over and
over again and we stress OVER without realizing they still owe ebay come the end of the
They think they are making all this profit neglecting the fees.
The toughest one is when people use their credit card and they feature and feature plus an
item and then they charge their credit card the fees.
They end the auction and pocket the cash neglecting that they owe their credit card
company $125.00 for ebay's fees.
Continue to do this and all you will have is a Maxed out credit card because when the bill
comes most people will pay the minimum and not take that ebay profit the cash and pay
their credit card bill like they should.
Be smart about how you post your auctions!

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